Who I am

Mission: To teach anyone who hears my message of love with the highest level of authenticity, honesty, integrity, humility, vulnerability, and generosity.

My approach to the divine is from a place of trust and curiosity. I have, for a long time, been deeply in love with Spirit and have been on a journey to connect since my time of service in the military.

Since the beginning of my path of discovery, I’ve delved within myself to grow and heal from some deep hurts of life: past life traumas, codependency, and social masking. I’ve let go of karma and alchemized energy to shape my life into something I prefer to create.

That’s why I am here. I want to share what I’ve learned and help others down their own paths. I’d like to offer any wisdom I’ve garnered, so that you can discern and navigate your own life to find growth and abundance.

Let the Fun Begin